Been a long time...

This amp was owned by my brother in-law, who worked for Allied Electronics in the early sixties.  I came upon it in the late sixties as part of the basement stereo in the duplex we lived in.  Sometime later, I rushed home with my first album - In-A-Gadda-Da_Vida - and created enough racket with it to get a visit from "upstairs" in about  three minutes.  "What the hell is that???" 

As the amp was considered "old junk" by the early seventies, no one seemed to mind when I grabbed it to build my first stereo in my bedroom with a set of AR 2ax speakers and the Fisher tube preamp from the basement.  (Wonder where that went?  Wish I still had it.)

In about 1978, when I was working on my EE degree, I stripped the HF-87 down to nearly an empty chassis, then rebuilt it with a slightly modified circuit adding several updates:

Here's some sketches of the circuitry I did at the time:

Power Supply SchematicInput SchematicOutput Schematic

The amp worked well for a lot of years.  It didn't sound as good as my buddy's Audio Resarch stuff - it was softer and the bass wasn't as tight - but it was cheap and it beat the hell out of the solid state receivers that everyone else was using at the time.  I just found some data I took with a scope at the time, and it was pretty flat from well below 20hz to beyond 30Khz where it was down less than 3db.

Finally, here's a picture of a stock HF-87, including the chassis and a old Eico datasheet.